It is no secret that the pills subscribed to the masses of Americans everyday have no consequence. When I was young, there were no commercials selling pills... can you believe that?! Now, we have to sit through every other one about some ailment I have never even heard of, but for a moment of thought I have to make sure I don't have, only to conclude with "can cause death or blindness". I mean what?! Excuse me?! When did this become normal people?! Not to mention, most of the issues they're trying to fix from these pills, are caused by other pills!! Say what Willis?! Yep, that's right... it's what Post Malone quite often talks about... running around in circles.
Then, if you're not talking to your kids about it, they will grow up to think in the over sanitized, well-fed, 1st world country they live in, somehow taking killer pills is normal and it's ok to fall over and die either from the mysterious ailment, or the pill... there is no other choice.
Everyday we don't change our mindset and take health into our own hands, is another day the system is profiting from your illness.
Speaking of blindness... check this out if you are interested in taking care of your eye health, naturally, along with our Amazon store which has many other very necessary products.
Note: Now I know what you're thinking, these are pills too! Remember, supplements are not patented so companies cannot mass profit from them AND... they don't cause death or blindness... however, take them with their dosage requirements and monitor how you feel.
Medical Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional, just sharing the things that I have researched and work for me. The information and other content provided in this blog, website or in any linked materials are not intended and should not be considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.